The PeopleBuilders System - Overview
"If you don't follow a system, you will have to teach many different aspects of the business,
if you followed a system, you would only teach the system!"

Creating a Dynamic Presentation.
In Network Marketing, there is no business growth without recruiting, i.e. sponsoring new people into the organization. How this works best? - Next to classical business presentations that each and every partner should be able to conduct, a 24/7 buisness tour is the state-of-the-art way to give prospects a first insight.
Like any presentation, a tour needs to answer 3 questions:
What it's about.
Why it's simple.
How to start.
Relying on the right Tools.
Some people however do not even get to the point where someone follows their invitation to attend or view a presentation. That's where powerful Tools are of great help. Effective Tools are the backbone of a great system.
Creating an Event Structure.
Network Marketing is a People's business. "They come for the money, but stay for the relationships." is a common saying. People's interactions - both virtually and live - are by far more impoortant than any knowledge transfer. Therefore, every system needs a great Event Structure. An Event is called everything where people "interact":
Private Meetings & Trainings
Incentive Trips
Leisure Events
Recognitions & Awardings
Online Communities
Conference Calls & Webinars
Accessibility and Consistency are vital for making an Event Structure work. Leaders & Company provide it, while all Partners gladly take advantage of it.
To lean more, please refer to the related articles at "Insights for Insiders".
Creating a powerful GPS System.
When it comes to learning, the first question should be what to teach - and what NOT to teach. Teaching the business needs to be simple and effective, only then it will duplicate and grow. The key elements in the PeopleBuilders System are KISS & KASH:
(K) Contact (-> Curiosity)
Information (-> Decision)
Start (-> Action)
System (-> Duplication)
While KISS teaches the daily business routines, KASH teaches how to grow as a person. This is vital, as Business Growth always follows Personal Growth. In combination with effective Tools, KISS & KASH form a powerful GPS System so that partners always know where they are and what their next logical step is.
Also, download the exclusive PeopleBuilders Excerpt from best-selling-author John Milton Fogg, about why PeopleBuilders know "the better way"!